Covering your roof after storm damage is critical. Doing it the right way is even more important.
Some companies use nails to tie down the tarp. BIG MISTAKE.
Every time the insurance company comes to inspect your damage, someone needs to take a hammer and pull each nail out, then RENAIL the entire tarp. Because most insurance claims require 3-4+ different inspections during the life of a claim…well, you get the picture.
We use sandbags that can be replaced as many times as needed – without adding additional damage to your roof.
We also use Heavy Duty 10 Mill Roof Tarp which lasts much longer than the cheap, thin, blue tarps used by many of our competitors.
We never take a check from a homeowner and work with any insurance company on your claim for emergency tarping services.

We hope you never need us. But when you find yourself with water coming into your kitchen like I did, trees falling on your roof, or storms impacting your home, we have you covered.
If you need fast, temporary protection from the elements while you’re waiting on longer-term fixes (like roof replacements), give us a call.
In a bind and need emergency ladder assistance?
Don’t hesitate to give us a call.
We’ve got you covered.